Thursday, 20 June 2013

The Other Side Of The Storm

The thick smell of an oncoming storm fills my nostrils.
I feel it's heaviness and am consumed in its darkness
Like my mother's old name.

I make a wish I do not believe in.
My feet are stuck in deep mud
As if the rains had already come.

I danced with lightening many times and though it
Caught me with glancing blows over and over
I did not stop

And sometimes still it 
Draws me in with its thrilling flashes
Of brilliance till I succumb.

A false eye of peace sits in the centre
Telling me all is well and for my highest good.
I still smell the other side of the storm.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Love Knows.....

Each time I am lost
I come home.
With every moment I spend away
From what I know to be true,
I am a moment closer to
Not knowing is the simplest thing there is
In this world of thoughtful complexity.
I am myself
When I allow my Self to be.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

I need do nothing

You speak.
You expect a response.
And I thought I had to give one.

Instead I do nothing.
Waves of peace lap at my toes,
Spreading their cool relief through me.

I need do nothing.

A mind's worth of fears
Of dark consequences
Stipple their way across my eyes.

Still, I do nothing.
No search can unearth
The treasured pleasure of knowing

I need do nothing.

Monday, 10 June 2013



The cliched enigma your hand moves through
Like smoke or a rainbow.

The nighttime peripheral vision of
Or is it nothing?

We are all mysteries.

The more a mystery unfolds,
The more it deepens.