Thursday, 27 March 2014

Shorts No. 5

Chocolate and sex:
Two necessities for a spicy,
Icing-on-the-cake life.
If you're not getting enough of one,
Be sure to have more of the other!

Friday, 21 March 2014

Shorts No. 4

Stop looking and instead
There is nothing to do.
Now you can see me
And I can see you.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Shorts No.3

Soft moon globes glowed on the street.

You were there
With a towel wrapped around your head;
                                                and I.......

I just watched.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Shorts No. 2

Did you want to smile
Or be smiled at?
I don't know what to do in the rain
Except enjoy the drops on my face.
There is nothing for you here:
I can't make that ok.
Now I can smile.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Shorts No.1

There's a new oyster in the bed.
It makes no contact;
Stays in its shell.
It's a shame we got rid of all the phone boxes:
I think it's run out of credit.

Friday, 14 March 2014

A Dream Upon Waking

People bubbles move along the wall,
Shadows of hurtling machinery obscuring their vision,
Obscuring the image they project.
There is nothing definite,
Only vague glimpses and an uncertain feeling
Of something's existence.

People play on my mind:
What's close is so solid;
As soon as there is a little distance,
The mistiness sets in.
Things become tantalising mysteries
And what we think we know

Is discovered as just a dream.
Rays splay out into a fan of sunlight
While echoes of the darkness still linger - 
They hover over what is most important:
Small reminders of a long journey
Now past.

The universe is testing my commitment with its counter-moves,
Questioning my resolve.
At times the resolution is definite:
Clarity wins.
At others, there are smoky outlines, dark centres.
I smile at both.