Tuesday, 11 November 2014

The Truth?

So many thoughts that never become things,
Remain intangible:
Ah, there we are,
It is spirit which has form!
Thought is the abstract!
I wasn't sure before.

There is a feeling one gets
When one recognises truth:
A truth
The truth
Any truth.

There is no 'the' truth:
That becomes a path to follow,
A rule to bellow at your fellow man
In order to maintain a
Something that is not, truly, maintainable.

What is true
Here, now?
For me,
For you?
Can we find shared ground?
Even if it is only in
A moment of recognition
That we each can say
I see you see things
Differently to me,
Laugh at our humanity
That prizes belief
Over this commonality.

Let me go let me go let me go
Says the truth;
Let me go
So you can truly see:
Truth is not opinion or belief,
Truth's only form
Is here and now,
You and me.