Friday 22 March 2013


Today I write and write;
I write with all my might:
I write in hope of hope;
And I always dot the i's.

Today I fight and fight;
I fight with all my might:
I fight and want to win;
And I always dot the i's.

Today I strive and strive;
I strive to stay alive:
I strive to stay afloat;
And I always dot the i's.

Today I found no light;
Only despondency in sight:
There's no return from where I've been;
So I no longer dot the i's

On the way home, post-mojitos

Thighs thighs thighs
I am obsessed!
Round and firm,
Chunky, thin,
Women's, men's,
Rubbing together,
Stretching jeans
To full capacity....
I am obsessed with thighs,
The way they sigh at me,
Mirroring my longing,
Meeting the gaze of my lips
Which I lick,
Desire passing,
Mouth to flesh
In my head - 
The inside coming out.
I am sure
Everyone can see;
I am obsessed with thighs.

Friday 15 March 2013

The Chameleon

The chameleon lies in sun or rain.
Absorbing what is around her,
Becoming her surroundings.

No one knows 
What the chameleon looks like
For she is different to all.

Her voice, her face,
How she moves
Change with each setting.

She is no one;
Lost. In a sea of otherness
She is alone.

Sunday 3 March 2013


The threads and fibres
Pull in opposite directions;
The weft and weave
Stretch to breaking point.
With a great deal of time,
Patience, and ever-increasing skill,
I slowly knit them back together.
I have come to know
The flow of my left hand,
The clarity of my right;
I see their vulnerability
As they mend this taut split,
Deftly intertwining wool
Like thoughts in a mystery.