Saturday 25 January 2014

A cycle of love and sludge (Or.... The unity of light and darkness)

I wrap myself in this
Blanket of love
I wove from
The strings of my heart.

Settled in this safety net,
I grow outward -
Tendrils, roots, trunk and stem:
A plethora of me -
Till I am all I can see.

And as I grow,
My shadow grows too;
Black tar sludge oozes
Around my feet,

Squirming up till it fills
The marrow of my soul.
Shame, loathing, hatred, disgust....
All are ripened in the
Peaty bog.

I stand naked,
My filth visible to all.

Yet only those with
Sharper eyes
Penetrate beneath to see....
It is my choice to be here.
I do not suffer!

I am no victim of circumstance
But a willing descendant into darkness -
An empowered Persephone.
Bring me shame! Bring me fear!

Bring me loathing and disgust!
For they are mine and I own them;
Revel in them.
I love them
For they cannot love themselves.

And the black tar sludge
Overwhelms no longer
But is fertile ground
In which wild flowers bloom.