Monday 1 December 2014

Do not give me your heart

I do not want you to give me your heart,
Nor will I give you mine.
The world spins here,
The heart-centre of being,
So you exist in me already,
I in you.

I want you to keep yourself,
As I intend to;
To call yourself home:
No one ever said
You've spread yourself too thick.

We can never know each other
The way we know ourselves
So let's share what that's like:
Tell me the experience of your heart
In this moment and the next,
What makes it laugh and long for,
Weep and sing about.

Oh please God
Do not give your heart
But love it holy,
Wholly for you;
Let mine open and close to you,
As yours will close and open.

Everything lives here:
Let us walk this life alone together,
All one.

Let's share that.